Meet Anonymity

Ashmita Sengupta is a young woman who likes to believe she has a pronounced taste for all life's small pleasures. Like immersing one’s foot in the sand on the beach, taking a walk in the rain, caramelising onions or smelling a newly purchased book.

She is all of 20, and currently trying to pass exams which would certify her as a Civil Engineer from Sardar Patel College of Engineering, Mumbai.

Her love affair with words started when she was nine years old. Her parents had just gifted her a Nancy Drew novel. It had taken her precisely 8 hours and 27 minutes to finish it. The play with words, and the story, and the thrill of it all overjoyed her.
Since then, reading and writing has been a part of her everyday life. The hectic life of a psuedo engineer doesn't allow her to pursue either with as much as she would want to, but she tries.

For her, music is elementary. It inspires, fills her with vigour, and fulfils. Classic Rock being her true love, and 80’s pop being her vice.

Cooking has become recent addition to her list of small pleasures. Being the foodie she is, it wasn’t surprising. The joy in trying out new recipes, in creating something from scratch, and experiencing the glee in taking the first bite herself, or watching her family and friends enjoy it, is what she cooks for. Even though those moment lasts for a few seconds.
Julia Child puts it perfectly, "Non cooks think it's silly to invest two hours' work in two minutes' enjoyment; but if cooking is evanescent, so is the ballet."

Quizzing is another thing which caught her by the neck, and absolutely absorbed her in itself. And she has no one else, but SPQC to blame for it.

Her ultimate wish list includes living in Europe, creating her own library akin to the one in Beauty and the Beast, and donning the cap for baking the best chocolate chip cookies.

She loves having engaging discussions and long conversations. She thinks that's when someone get to learn the most about themselves and what they stand for. 

She likes watching movies, especially English classics. She sometimes curses her genes for not making her resemble Audrey Hepburn in the slightest way.

On quiet weekends when she waits for Godot, she doesn’t mind spending her time day dreaming of an alternate life while reading the words of Pablo Neruda.

Most of all, she enjoys sitting silently and observing everything around her. All along the watchtower.