Monday, June 07, 2010

The Peach Melba

After long, there has been a first.

It's been ages since I've tried making a new treat. True that I've been having cooking pangs at all the wrong times. The first one re surfacing 2 weeks before my vivas; but surely I couldn't succumb to them before the 19th of June at the risk of adding a viva or a theory KT into the basket.

But a surprising visit of 2 peaches at home, and a long forgotten recipe couldn't help but encourage me to whip it up.

So lo' and behold - The Peach Melba - Ridiculously simple to make, and absolutely gorgeous to eat. Even minus the raspberry/ strawberry sauce.

Does that look glorious, or does it look glorious?


And the final result of the peaches, with a scoop of vanilla ice cream.

Yes, I devoured it. And loved it.
And no, I do not care if I become fat.

4 Comments (+add yours?)

For Change and Alter Egos said...


Anonymous said...

Make sure Pofama doesn't reach here.

For Change and Alter Egos said...

But, now that I see it again.. The half peach reminds me of things. Not particularly pleasant things :|

Agrima said...

Are you the new Nigella Lawson or what? Marry me.